Wednesday, 28 September 2011

September Holidays

I was away for the first week of the holidays, so I didn't get to plant what I wanted, but this week a whole round of seeds went in. Lettuce, beans, corn, beetroot, pak choi, zuchini, capsicum, cucumber. Probably other stuff too. The things that are in the garden look ok, while my advanced seedlings (tomato, capsicum) are at a friends house being looked after. They'll go in next week.

I made the biggest compost pile i have made so far, with a trailer load each of dirt, sheep poo, and grass clippings. I'll wet it down today and cover. I am hoping for a 4 - 6 week turnaround, and I can use that compost for planting the seeds that went in today.

Pak choi gets a far amount of slugs on them, but it hasn't bothered me, as I only really plant it for the chooks, and they really love slugs! Better the pak choy than the lettuce...

Emma did the egg photo. She is awesome.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

finally its hot

Planted out beans, beetroot and dill. That is all.

Oh yeah, and some more capsicums came up and a zuchini. So it turns out my seed rasinig issues are temperature related. Hmmmmmmm...

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Mid September...falling behind

Stuff of late include things such as:
- tomatoes out of the shade house and soaking up some rays in a compost mix
- beans are finally going good
- went away for the weekend and all the capsicums died
- Finished off the washing water irrigation thing
- possum ate a young dill, and is now having a rest in the shadehouse
- i need a bigger shadehouse.
- just once, i would like to do a project only once, rather than 3 redevelops
- spring onion from seed is a waste. they do fine going asexual.
- sometimes i can just not figure out why the hell some things won't freakin' grow. if anything, all i do is stunt growth. Eg: mint is out of control. spring onion from the chooks scraps grow better than my careful seed raising. the best tomato plants i have, have come up on their own. i found some parsley under the stairs. no idea how it got there.
- got to try again with cucumber, zuchini and corn...

Friday, 2 September 2011