Saturday, 27 August 2011

Wins and Losses

This week I potted on some pak choy, and finally saw some of the seeds come up. Tomato (only one of the varieties), beetroot, and some lettuce are up, but zuchini, cucumber, spring onion, beans and other tomato are massive fails. That is not a very good hit ratio. I will try again with the same stuff tomorrow, and see what happens.

In other news, i cracked, and went and bought $30 worth of soil, which filled in the entire summer garden. Could have saved some angst by doing that a month ago, but whatevs. I think I will persist with the seed raising thing until I get awesome at it, but i the meantime i am off to the local organic seedling supplier to get this garden looking like a garden.

There are water pipes all over the place, but now that there is a bed in place, I should be able to lay it out in a permanent kind of position... I don't know why I am writing this, it is supposed to be a diary, not a wish list...

Also got a solar water filter thing for the pond, and the pond actually is starting to look ok. The strawberries, thyme and sage look healthy sitting around it, so it is good to have some wins. Peaches are about the size of a marble. The litttle ones.

Update: So all the tomatoes are on their way now, but all the other stuff is still a fail. i replanted everything again, but in more senstive seed raising mixes. i think temperature was probably the issue, and maybe pH also. A little too alkaline maybe? Put some corn in too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Phil, where did you go for soil? I don't think I'm gonna have enough compost by the time it's time to plant. d.
