Thursday, 28 June 2012

Lets try this again...

Its been nearly a year since I started this blog, and something like 9 months since I last updated. What can I say, I'm a busy person. I just need to make this a habit. I did have a garden over the summer, and it was pretty successful. It was in the big caged space, and we had enough growing out of there to make a decent salad whenever we needed to.

My seed raising is still really bad, so most of the stuff put in has been bought from Northey St. I still try the seeds occasionally, but with patchy success.

At the moment I am contemplating a more permanent arrangement for the winter garden (which is different from the summer because of the sun). This is on the southern side of my backyard, and this is the only patch that gets anywhere near enough light. This will probably remain, and the chooks will sit on it in a month or two, and then I will put a cover crop in to keep it fertile over summer (mustard or lucerne or something).

I am going to build a garden bed here, where I used to try and grow seedlings:

That will be a winter garden and maybe I will try the leafy things here in summer as it doesn't get direct sun. It might save some lettuce from bolting, who knows? It means that the chooks won't be rotating around so much anymore, so their job will be to make a clean compost to add in to this bed.

My friends Matt and Deb have started raising some seedlings for me, so I am hoping that works out ok for a bit.

I'll post againg after I have done my new garden bed.

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